Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Her Last Ride by Heather Smith ©

Disclaimer: No one was really for digging Grandmama back up, but it's a funny thought - also, my memory is shot to hell - so very little of what I write is historically accurate.

Grandmama picked out her coffin herself- years before it was needed. Nice right? I mean for a coffin. Her funeral was held four years ago today and she is deeply missed. I wrote her obituary myself. But one thing I forgot to mention in that ostentatiously long obituary was her love of luxury cars and her love of travel which I suppose go hand and hand.

Over the weekend, my daughter came down to visit us from Indiana and her grandfather from her dad's side is in the hospital, so we went to see him. In the course of the conversation, Ed and I started talking about how I first came to know the Simpson family. Bryan and Jeff (Jim's brothers) both attended West Charlotte with me and I told Ed I always thought Jeff bought Grandmama's  Chrysler Newport. It was brown with a half leather top, and Jeff bought it just after Grandmama traded her car in. She always drove the "gas guzzlers," that's what Granddaddy called them. He tried to compensate by driving a VW Karmann Ghia. Grandmama had a steady succession of larger and more elaborate cars. With each car she considered quality and style - so too were the choices in her last ride - her beautiful pink coffin- which I am glad she got to pick out herself; nobody had her same sense of sophistication. The last car she drove was a pearl-colored Lincoln Town Car that had a bumper sticker announcing to the world "I'm spending my children's inheritance." Thinking of Jeff made Ed tear up a bit. He passed just a year or two ago now, far too young, and such a sweet person. But like Grandmama, he had a taste for large cars that went fast.

The first car I remember Grandmama having was a red Chrysler of some sort with a black leather half top which fit her perfectly because when I was that little, Grandmama was the age I am now and she dyed her hair jet black and wore shiny red lipstick and nail polish. It struck me how she matched her car. I loved piling in that huge car with my family for a road trip, usually, my Aunt Lillian, Grandmama's sister would be in the passenger seat fiddling with the map. My sister, Pam, my cousin Rachel, and I would sit in the back seat. Actually, back in the 70s, you didn't have to sit in the seat, you could play on the floor or sit looking out the back window making faces at the people behind you, you could lean up into the front or stand if you were still little enough. We had these Tom's Candy containers that had been filled with pixy-stick type candy of grape or orange and the top had a loop in it so you could hang it around your neck, we each had one filled with water around our necks.  Mine was grape-shaped. We went to Orlando and Cape Hatteras both that summer. riding stylishly trying to avoid the smoke pluming from the front seat.  Patsy, Rachel's mom, drove in a separate car with my cousins Tommy and Ronnie. Patsy was the creator and keeper of our itinerary and she made sure we got to see and do it all. Good times.

When Ronnie lived with us in PA for a while his car was on the fritz and he had to drive Grandmama's car everywhere. He told me that he felt like people were staring at him because an old lady belonged in that car. He shouted at one guy "That's right, my grandma loves me!" I'm sure Jeff Simpson did not consider her old car and old lady car, but rather, a muscle car. And even though she drove those tanks she was terrified to drive in the snow. In high school, I worked at the Pennwood Branch Bucks County Free Library. Daddy said I could get a job as long as it was within walking distance of the house, and normally I did walk. One evening, it was snowing pretty badly when I left and the librarians all fussed that I should get a ride home. They were afraid I would slip on those sidewalks. Grandmama came to pick me up and she said: "You know your Grandmama loves you, I would not drive in the snow for many people."

On the day of her funeral, it snowed like crazy, which is unusual for Mississippi. I thought she wanted to see if people loved her enough to drive in the snow. Plenty of people gathered to celebrate her life. The pastor asked the immediate family all up to the front for a family prayer and just as we were finishing the prayer the funeral director asked if we wanted her effects. My dad motioned no as he wiped tears from his eyes. We could not gather at the gravesite for the burial because the ground was frozen and it would take a while for them to inter her. We all went out to lunch as a group - or maybe we went back to Charles' -  I don't really remember - even though she was 98 and I knew she was going to die, it tore me up a lot more than I expected, but anyway we returned to the funeral home from wherever we had been to gather all of the things we had brought for the service to discover that Grandmama had been buried with her glasses and rings on. They said that they could dig her back up to get these belongings. Pam was for it! I thought "Just let her keep her rings." In the end, we decided to let her rest and not disturb her. For me, it would be hard to think of Grandmama without her flashy jewelry. Now my Grandmama rests beside her first husband - I'm sure his coffin is the most basic type, much like his Karmann Ghia, and Grandmama is in her Cadillac of Coffins just to irritate him throughout eternity. Granddaddy even told me once: "The week after I die, she's going to go buy a diamond ring and book a cruise." I don't know about the cruise, but I do know that exactly a week after he died, Pam and I were in the jewelry store with her while she picked out a diamond garter for her engagement ring. She did travel plenty in years following. I for one am happy that Grandmama had a great time spending her children's inheritance. For a kid who grew up in the depression, she really got to experience a lot.

I wish I could go out with her just one more time to her favorite Mexican restaurant and enjoy a jumbo margarita with her right now.

Grandmama's Obituary:

Virginia Fears Pierce Keys, 98, passed away on Monday, January 18, 2016, at Sunrise on Providence in Charlotte. Virginia Lorene Fears was born on December 11, 1917, in Monroe County, Mississippi to Lena Mundy and James Henry Fears. Virginia had 2 older sisters, Glen and Lillian, two older brothers, Ira and Norval, and two little brothers, Rubel and Charles. She was an excellent student, but she always loved to socialize and her grades could suffer as a result. She graduated from high school in June 1935. She had already met her future husband at a dance. Virginia married Erie Fleedon Pierce on October 19, 1935, in Mississippi when she was 17 years old. They moved to St. Louis where Erie had accepted a job at Monsanto. There they had their first child; James Eric was born on February 23, 1940. Virginia’s husband pursued a military career which took them to California. Their son Ronald David was born on September 21, 1943. Erie left for the war shortly after Ron was born. Virginia moved back to Amory, MS while Erie was overseas. She was there with her boys for three years. When Erie returned, he was stationed in many places – the last of which was Boston. Virginia became an Assistant for the Promotions Division of Electronic Corporation of America-Combustion Control from February 4, 1954 – May 2, 1958. She had a stellar work record and was considered an indispensable employee. She resigned when Erie retired from the Army and got his Master’s Degree. He pursued a teaching career and took the family back to Mississippi. In addition to her work in Boston, Virginia helped her husband run an ice cream parlor, a car wash, and two motels. She had a head for business. In 1960, they moved to Memphis where they could be close to their grandson, Ron Jr. Virginia kept Ron Jr. while his mother was working. She loved being “Grandmama.” Virginia lost her mother and husband within months of each other in 1979. Her husband, Erie Fleedon, passed away on May 23, 1979, in Amory at the age of 69. They had been married for 43 years. They lived in a penthouse at the beach at the time of his passing, and the hotel sold for enough to keep her comfortable for the rest of her life. Virginia moved to England for a year with her brother, Rubel, shortly after Erie died. There she made some lifelong friends. Upon her return to the States, her son, Ric, had been called back to active duty. She moved in with Pam, her granddaughter, in order that Pam could graduate with the people she had gone to school with all of her life. After Pam graduated, Ric moved Virginia, Pam, and Heather to Pennsylvania. The time the four of them spent together in PA would be cherished by all parties. Her grandson, Ron Jr., came to live there for a time, as well. Her bond with these three grandchildren was more similar to a mother than a grandmother. At age 69, Virginia took a cruise with the retired officer’s club. On the cruise, she met Charles Travis Keys. He was also from Mississippi. He was a Navy Pilot in WWII and a bona fide rocket scientist. They had seven happy years together before he passed away on April 10, 1994, in Ocala, Florida, at the age of 73. Virginia continued to travel after Charlie died and she enjoyed her home in Ocala. She was a Charter member of Ocala West UMC and a strong supporter of the Republican Party. She lived on her own until age 87. She then went to live in NC with her son, Ric. She remained in his home for two years before going into assisted living; she had been in Alzheimer’s Care for two years when she died. Virginia was generous, fun, accepting, and elegant. She lived a good life and enriched the lives of those she touched. She is survived by two sons, Ric and Ron Pierce; six grandchildren, Ron Pierce, Jr., Pamela Hausle, Heather Smith, Erika Tucker, Lesley Murphy, and Loren Pierce; and seven great-grandchildren; brother, Charles Fears (Darlene). Her Funeral Service will be held at 10:45 AM, Friday, January 22, 2016, at E. E. Pickle Funeral Home, Amory, with The Reverend Dr. Larry Kay Hardesty officiating. Burial will be in Masonic Cemetery. Visitation will be from 10 – 10:40 AM, Friday at the funeral home. Memories and condolences may be shared with family at EEPickleFuneralHome.com.

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