Friday, October 11, 2019

About this Blog - All Content on this blog is copyrighted ©

This blog will be a way to stay connected with those who have gone before me and who I hope to rejoin one day. Each day I will read something or do something to allow these dearly departed to live through me and then blog about it. Ten days a month will be about my mother, fourteen days a month will be about my grandparents: The Pierce’s and The Moss’s, and seven days a month, depending on whether or not there’s a thirty-first will be about my stepfather, Glenn Burne. I will start this blog on October 11, 2019. A year and a half after the loss of my Mama. I want to spend at least that much time with her – which by my calculation a year and a half is roughly 549 days. To spend that amount of time with her, plus a little more – and not exclusively dwell on her- which I think might upset me too much – I will keep this blog for five years. October 11, 2019 – October 11, 2024. The focus will be about my wonderful mother, Anita West Moss.

All Content on this blog is Copyrighted ©

Here are some photos of my mother:

Here are the days I will post about which relative(s):
Mama  10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25, 4, 5, 6                   
Moss Grandparents 14, 15,16,26,27,28,7                  
Burne  17, 18, 19, 29, 30,31,8                       

Pierce Grandparents 20, 21, 22, 1, 2, 3, 9

And here are the themes that will be discussed in my blog posts:
Mama: Dine Out, Live Performances, Movies and Books, or her stories, Current Events – Now, here’s the point, Gossip – Listen to this!
Moss’s: Homemade Southern Food, Read the Bible, Tell Stories, Game Shows, Play Dominoes or Clue
Burne: Gourmet Cooking at Home, Listen to Records and Dance, Go Out with Friends, Study or talk about his work, Get Out on the Water
Pierce’s: Celebrate Happy Hour with Neighbors, Catch up on Celebrity & Actual News, Read before Bed, Make a Good Breakfast, Play Scrabble

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