Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Granddaddy's Fez

Well, it didn't work out to have the neighbors over this evening. Steven said we should wait until one of the Pierce days falls on a weekend to socialize. We did celebrate our own happy hour, though. I made some cheesy bread and we enjoyed that while we were getting dinner ready. 

Thinking of them celebrating happy hour is fun for me. I have been on phenobarbital almost all of my life to control my epilepsy. One time, when I was still pretty young - 7 or 8 - Grandmama told me that she and Granddaddy used to take it, too. I asked her if they had seizures, too. She said that no, they used it to go to sleep after they had been out late. She said that when Granddaddy was in the military there were always parties that they had to go to so they would take uppers to stay up late, and phenobarbital to go to sleep. The Army just gave them drugs for free. No wonder people of a certain age long for it to be the 1950's again.

They always continued with their parties long after Granddaddy retired from the Army. He was a freemason and became a Shriner, and of course, they have great parties. Grandmama told me they were three sheets to the wind in this picture.

A toast to my irritable, yet fun-loving grandparents. Cheers...

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